To this end, in addition to a traditional single-player campaign and 6-player team-based PvP on randomized maps, WorldShift will come with a number of co-operative multiplayer maps where a group of players will need to combine forces to take out huge raid-style obstacles and mini-bosses. The developers at RTL are counting on the strategic appeal of PvE MMO battles to provide WorldShift with the edge it needs in attracting both RTS/Strategy fans and folks who enjoy the co-operative play in MMOs. If the former description seems to have more in common with gearing up in an MMO than traditional RTS divisions, this is entirely deliberate. Finally there are a number of lesser units such as Rippers (stealth fighters) and Assault Bots (ranged damage dealers). A Constructor, on the other hand, acts as a healer for mechanical units but can also fire energy bolts that de-buff enemy units. A Human Judge, for example, is a front-line fighter that converts hits against enemies to hit points for himself and provides a bonus for lesser Trooper units that turns them into Elite Troopers. Under the hero are four "Officer" units that can be selected in any combination. Each side begins with a main character - for the humans this is called the "Lord Commander" - that operates as a sort of hero/rallying unit. Instead the first major element of player strategy will be building their forces before the game even begins. The first difference between WorldShift and other RTS games we noted during our demonstration was that WorldShift completely does away with not only base-building, but building altogether. The creators of the Shard have landed on Earth to claim the newly terraformed world as their own and they plan on killing anything that gets in their way. Some 2,500 years after the Shard, the Earth is split between pure human city-states, mutant tribes in the wilderness and a race of invading aliens. In order to protect themselves, some humans retreat into sealed cities, refusing to allow any of the tainted outside material in while other human tribes accept and revel in their new powers. That's caused by the Plague, a bizarre ecological infestation that sweeps over the Earth, mutating all plant and animal life, turning some into monstrosities, gifting others with remarkable psychic abilities. While this causes enormous devastation, it doesn't completely wipe out civilization. In the late 21st century a giant asteroid called The Shard crashes into the Earth.

The storyline is not atypical for the genre. The kicker here is that in a recent demo given GameSpy by RTL representatives, the players in this game weren't fighting each other - they were performing the type of PvE co-op gameplay found in the latest generation of MMOs. On the surface, the game looks like a stock standard sci-fi RTS - little units shaped like mutants, robots and aliens toddle around the screen, fire off a variety of special powers and die in spectacularly gruesome ways.
#Worldshift tpb tv
RTL Games, the games development arm of one of Europe's biggest cable TV conglomerate, is certainly hoping for the latter with WorldShift. They may be evolutionary dead-ends or maybe the beginning of something special. Genres are born, grow strong and sometimes die in between you get all sorts of fascinating cross-breeds and offshoots. It's always fascinating to watch how games evolve.