In 2002, Volkswagen took the interesting decision to name a car after Phaeton, in an attempt to compete in the luxury market dominated by its rivals Mercedes and BMW. It has inspired a number of composers, including Jean-Baptiste Lully, Camille Saint-Saëns, Paul Hindemith and Benjamin Britten. This myth of youthful courage and tragedy is referenced in four of Shakespeare’s dramas: Richard II, Romeo and Juliet, Two Gentlemen of Verona and Henry VI. And though greatly he failed, more greatly he dared.’ The epitaph of the fallen Phaeton reads: ‘Here Phaeton lies who in the sun god’s chariot fared. Helios - The Sun God of Greek Mythology - Greek Mythology in Comics - See U in HistoryArt: Marcus AquinoColor: Rod FernandesGreekMythology Mythology SeeU. Revealing the influence of Michelangelo and Tintoretto, Rubens depicts Phaeton falling from the chariot, his hair on fire, mirroring a blazing earth, which terrifies the deities of the seasons portrayed on the left of the painting. In order to preserve her, Zeus struck the chariot with a thunderbolt. Mother Earth, in danger of burning up, appealed in desperation to Zeus for help. He is the brother of Selene, goddess of the Moon, and Eos, goddess of the dawn. He is the son of the Titans Hyperion and Theia. He is often thought to be the personification of the Sun itself. The horses, driven wild, scorched the earth, reducing Africa to a desert. Helios ( Ancient Greek:, Hlios in Homeric Greek) is the god of the Sun in Greek mythology. Confused, they reared and Phaeton lost control. When Phaeton stepped into the chariot, the horses, used to the great weight of the sun god, thought it empty. But Phaeton was adamant in his demands and Helios finally granted him his wish. Controlling the blazing embers of the sun with his hands and might, he holds an imposing position within the ancient Greek religion and continues to be one of the most. His very presence screams of power, all the while being someone that even Zeus himself greatly respects. The personification of the Sun, he was portrayed as driving a four-horse chariot across the sky on a daily basis. Hyperion and Theia had two other children together: Selene. Helios is one of the most well-known Greek gods in Greek mythology. Greek Gods / Helios Helios was one of the Titans, son of Hyperion and Theia and brother of Eos (the Dawn) and Selene (the Moon ). According to Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Helios tried to dissuade him, warning his son that not even Jupiter (Zeus), king of the gods, could control the fiercely hot chariot pulled by fire-breathing horses. According to some ancient sources, Helios is the son of Hyperion and Theia, two of the original Titans born to Gaia and Ouranos. Phaeton asked to drive the sun god’s chariot. In order to confirm that he really was his father, Helios promised by the river Styx to grant Phaeton any wish. Phaeton (or Phaethon, the ‘shining one’) was the son of a water nymph, Clymene, and, allegedly, the sun god Helios.